Saturday, March 7, 2009

Standing In The Fire. FOR MYSELF!!!!

I just came out from a couple of days of self doubt. The whole time I saw what aspect it was and what was causing it. I made the choice to stand up for my life and stand in the fire for myself!!! Give Myself the encouragement I often give others and my kids. It was time for me to receive the same love I give to others. I have made the choice to start a Raw Food business and the universe had delivered the help SO FAST AND WONDERFULLY. Thank you God! I will be honest though. It pushed self worth buttons. My nervous system was on edge. I could feel the need for old patterning to be looked at then let go of. I am sure as no surprise to you all, I also started craving cooked foods. My ego tried to talk me into eating continuously! I heard all the voices trying to tell me that I can not succeed and that Raw Foods is to radical and that everything should be in moderation. All those old voices[the ego] that had me trapped in the world of food addiction and that was comforted with unserving foods. I am relieved to say that I did not cave this time around! I know for me that an all Raw diet is best. I could not have done with out faith[it was tested though]!!! It is now over 3 months! I could hear the voice of addiction speaking to me and I could also see the old me that used to listen to those voices. Boy oh Boy...... no wonder why my nervous system was on edge....

Today I feel more confidant, strong, and loving. Able to be more loving and compassionate for others and myself. Today I am going to make more steps towards my dreams and goals.=-) Right Now I am in a deep state of Gratitude for all that I have. I can not do any of this with out God & meditation being my constant companion! THANK YOU!!



  1. What a fantastic post! Thank you for sharing. I'm struck by how honest you are about your fear, and I'm struck by how strong you are. What do they say? Feel the fear and do it anyway? You are!!! I loved what you wrote about gratitude, God, and meditation. Sounds like you are in a healthful place. :)

  2. You go girl!!! You can do it!!!!!


  3. Sweetie, always follow your heart. When those voices pop up you ignore them and keep moving. You can do it!! :)


  4. I am overwhelmed by your support ALL of you. Thank you!!!=-}
    Kari~ I heard a saying recently by Cheryl Richardson.... If you are excited and afraid it is usually a BIG sign you are on the right path...... To me, it also means
    Feeling the Fear and doing it anyways=-) Satnding in the Fire...For Myself!


  5. Good for you! This is a post we all should post around the house as a reminder. :)

  6. HiHoRosie~
    Thanks for your love & Support!

