Sunday, December 27, 2009

Time To Put Me First Again!

It has been a long time since I wrote last. It has been a rough 8 months and my family has been through a lot! A lot of very hard trying times. Things are still not going smoothly but it is time to put my foot down so to speak and come back to putting my wellness first! I got lost in the "world" again. I stopped eating raw and doing yoga and slowed my meditation down. Some of it was do to multiple moves in a short period of time with 4 kids and no partner to help or support the process! So I will go easy on myself!

Now is the time for me and my communion with the divine. Getting back to the things that help me serve in God's love in a more pure channel! So back to Raw foods, Yoga, walking, meditating, and writing here!

I am not one for New Year's resolutions but by golly I am gonna do it...LOL
I will begin making changes this year and taking the time to put my wellness back in order!
Starting now I will allow the energies that support the way I want to live to flow in!
I can only take good care of my kids, family, and friends when I am in the "Flow"....

Loving you always!